Cop28 Presidency continues to promote green agriculture - Beacon


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Cop28 Presidency continues to promote green agriculture

COP28 Declaration on Food and Agriculture

A environmental task force to help farmers around the world address critical climate challenges has been set up by the UAE-led Cop28 Presidency.

It is part of efforts to achieve the goals of the milestone declaration on sustainable agriculture, made during the Cop28 UN climate summit in Dubai last year.

The Cop28 Presidency on Monday said the technical group would help countries switch to more sustainable ways of farming and ensure resilient food systems are at the heart of their national climate action plans.

It is envisaged the group – known as the technical co-operation collaborative – will particularly assist developing and climate vulnerable countries in this transformation.

The Cop28 declaration on sustainable agriculture, resilient food systems and climate action has been endorsed by 159 countries, accounting for more than 80 per cent of agricultural-based gross domestic product, 70 per cent of the world’s farmers, and 80 per cent of emissions from agriculture.

It aims to place food and agriculture at the heart of the climate agenda and, crucially, protect the lives and livelihoods of farmers living on the front lines of the climate crisis. And it underlined the path to meeting the key 1.5ºC climate target needed to involve agriculture.

The Cop28 Presidency said the launch of the group marked a “significant milestone” in advancing the declaration’s intention to adapt and transform agriculture and food systems to address climate change challenges and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement that first set out the 1.5ºC goal in 2015.

Plans for the technical group were first announced at Cop28 and countries are now being helped to update their climate action plans – known formally as nationally determined contributions – to include food systems.

The founding members of the technical group include the Cop28 Presidency, Italy, the US, the UK, the World Bank, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN and other key entities from around the globe.

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