UAE to plant 10 mangrove trees for every COP28 visitor - Beacon


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

UAE to plant 10 mangrove trees for every COP28 visitor

UAE announces 'Ghars Al Emarat' initiative

Ten mangroves will be planted in Abu Dhabi for each visitor attending the Cop28 climate change summit this year, environment officials have said. The Environment Agency Abu Dhabi has pledged to plant these mangroves using drone technology in the last quarter of this year.

Cop28, which will be held between November 30 to December 12 at Expo City Dubai, is set to attract about 80,000 attendees from around the world for talks and conferences. That could mean that an estimated 800,000 mangrove trees could be planted in Abu Dhabi.

The mangrove trees will be planted in coastal areas such as Marawah Marine Biosphere Reserve, Al Mirfa City and Jubail Island during the winter months, which is said to be the best time for the species to grow.

The project will also serve as a platform for developing innovative solutions for mangrove conservation, climate change mitigation and raising awareness of their importance.

The UAE is home to more than a dozen areas of mangroves and the country plans to expand and develop their presence along its coastline.

Mangroves in Abu Dhabi support a wide range of biodiversity and help protect seagrass beds and coral reefs from sedimentation. They also enhance water quality and support ecotourism activities.

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