Frontlines of climate change need help from COP28 leaders - Beacon


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Frontlines of climate change need help from COP28 leaders

COP28 needs to show leadership in climate action

Dr Sultan Al Jaber, Cop28 President-designate and Simon Stiell, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Thursday said Cop28 must produce an outcome that results in a “significant reduction in emissions”.

Speaking ahead of a G20 ministerial climate meeting in Chennai on Friday, they urged the G20 to “lead the way” in driving a just and credible outcome based on science that protects the most vulnerable now and “not in five years time”. The G20 is responsible for about 80 per cent of the world's emissions.

The main G20 gathering takes place in September and is seen as an important bellwether ahead of the November 30 to December 12 summit in terms of what might be agreed. And it comes during a summer in which extreme weather events from heatwaves to flash floods are causing havoc around the world. June was the hottest month globally since records began, EU scientists say.

They also reiterated the importance of tripling global renewable energy capacity and doubling the rate of energy efficiency improvements across sectors by 2030.

The statement said discussions at the G20 energy ministerial meeting did not provide a sufficiently clear signal for transforming global energy systems, scaling up renewable and clean energy sources and responsibly phasing down fossil fuels.

The pair also urged the G20 to ramp up work on defining what is known as the “global goal on adaptation” – to help countries adapt to climate change – and bringing the loss and damage fund established at Cop27 last year into operation.

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