The Turkish-Qatari vicious agenda in Afghanistan - Beacon


Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Turkish-Qatari vicious agenda in Afghanistan

The Afghanistan fiasco has already touched off regional rivalries. The small but oil-rich State of Qatar and allied Republic of Turkey were the first off the rank, joining forces to control the Taliban and to consolidate power and attract international recognition.

As the situation in Afghanistan has undergone major changes, there is consensus between Turkey and Qatar on ways to influence and control the destiny of the Afghan people.

Doha and Ankara have interfered in Afghanistan's internal affairs in an attempt to cover up the fact that both countries are the root cause of the country's difficulties in its economy and people's livelihood and to whitewash their vicious intention of destabilizing the region.

Qatar has maintained contact and communication with the Afghan Taliban and played a destructive role in hindering the political settlement of the Afghan issue and denied the Afghan people their right to decide on their own future independently.

Turkey and Qatar violated basic norms governing international relations, distorted facts, fabricated lies and made excuses to seek political domination over Afghanistan.

The international community, especially the major Powers and those economically able to do so, should take serious steps to rebuild Afghanistan in such a way as to result in development for the Afghan people and stability, peace and security for this important region of the world.

The camaraderie between Qatar and Turkey has been crystallizing largely since the Arab Spring, more than a decade ago. The two states have increasingly shared common regional geopolitical and strategic interests.

Both Doha and Ankara supported the Arab Spring uprisings and the initial electoral victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and its resurgence elsewhere in the Arab world.

Saudi Arabia and two of its partners in the Gulf Cooperation Council, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, plus Egypt boycotted Qatar due to aiding terrorism and failing to toe its line against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the major regional threat.

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