Al-Shabab suicide bomber kills 11 in Somalia - Beacon


Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Al-Shabab suicide bomber kills 11 in Somalia

An explosion from suicide bombing has killed at least 11 people Tuesday in the Somali capital near a checkpoint manned by Somali government security forces.

The site of the explosion is next to both Mogadishu’s airport and the headquarters of the Africa Union forces known as AMISOM. The al-Shabab militant group claimed responsibility for the attack.

Witnesses said a suicide bomber walked into a teashop made of corrugated tin and detonated an explosive vest. At least 11 people, including soldiers and civilians, were killed and several others wounded, Somali government officials said.

The prime minister of Somalia, Mohamed Hussein Roble, condemned the “barbaric act” by al-Shabab. He said the attack shows that al-Shabab are “thirsty for the indiscriminate bloodshed of the Somali people.”

The Taliban's swift takeover of Afghanistan has raised concerns that it could encourage other Islamist militant groups around the world, such as al-Shabab in Somalia.

Experts warn that when and if international forces there try to hand over security to the Somali government, the world could see a repeat of what happened in Afghanistan.

The latest attack comes despite intensified security operations in the recent past against al-Shabab extremists in Mogadishu and in the southern regions in an attempt to liberate al-Shabab held-towns.

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