The Trauma of Afghan refugees in Qatar - Beacon


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Trauma of Afghan refugees in Qatar

The Taliban take over of Afghanistan has led to a mass evacuation of Afghans and foreigners amid fears of reprisals and a return to a harsh interpretation of Islamic law.

Afghans who fled their country this week have been in a state of despair at leaving loved ones behind and the uncertain future ahead of them.

Evacuated to Qatar, Afghan refugees were hoping for a safe haven in the country. They hoped that the nation would help them stay safe for a few days and ensure that nothing happens to them and their family when they are at these Qatari facilities but they were proven wrong.

But instead of providing safer facilities for these people, the officials’ negligence for the refugees have created havoc among the refugees. As per a report, nearly 300 Afghan refugees have been infected of coronavirus after they were pushed inside small tent-type facilities.

This included children and elderly people. The most disturbing part occurred when a pregnant woman died inside the crammed refugee camp due to infection and no treatment.

The government of Qatar has said that it will spare no effort to support the Afghan people. However, many reports revealed that despite being well aware of the situation, Qatari officials are not bothered regarding the infection rates and have no concern for the Afghan refugees.

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