Erdogan drives his guard to suicide - Beacon


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Erdogan drives his guard to suicide

A police officer from Turkey’s Presidential Security Department, which is responsible for the protection of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his family members as well as the presidential residences, has died by suicide.

Mehmet Ali Bulut, a 28-year-old officer, was found dead in his home early on Monday. The police found a mysterious letter in the suicide officer’s handwriting confirming that he was humiliated because of his job was the reason behind his end of his life.

According to Erdogan’s Presidential Protection Department, the officer was absent from work and closed his phone, and his co-workers went to his home to check on him, and they had to break the door and found the officer’s body sprinkled on the ground.

The suicide policeman has been staying alone at home for about 4 months, and they found next to the body his own weapon and a letter in his handwriting, in which he wrote: “Humiliating, threatening and belittling your employees is your job that you do perfectly Good .. I hope you will deal kindly with the employees and ask about them .. I do not want any rank to attend my funeral. ”

Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Murat Bakan submitted a parliamentary inquiry for Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu to answer, asking how many police officers had committed suicide.

Bakan cited two other officers, Halil Akkaya and Ethem Dagdeviren, who had committed suicide in January and March respectively.

Bakan said in all cases of police suicides that became public to date, officers complained about harassment from their superiors, and asked whether the names the officers cited in their suicide notes were investigated.

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