Empowering Erdogan's mercenaries in Libya - Beacon


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Empowering Erdogan's mercenaries in Libya

The militia’s penetration into Libyan official positions is among the many dilemmas facing the Libyan scene, which was expressed by a recent human rights report, entitled “Empowering terrorists in leadership positions in Libya .. models that should not be repeated in the future”.

The report enumerated the aspects of empowering “mercenaries” in leadership positions at the hands of the reconciliation government. 

Among those aspects were the naturalization agents that took place for a number of foreign mercenaries “in a way that paves the way for them to be part of the future of the political process in Libya.”

The economic sectors are the most penetrated by those groups that were keen to be present in them to ensure control over the money of the Libyans and to employ them for their benefit.

The report highlighted Turkey’s use of these mercenaries politically, either to throw them into proxy battles, or to bargain over them in the future of Libya.

The human rights report called on domestic as well as international parties that provide aid to terrorists and mercenaries to remove the cover from them and to expose them to local and international public opinion.

The infiltration of these militia groups into responsible and even leadership positions in state institutions came as a result of the political conditions that the country has suffered since 2011, which enabled them to gain control.

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