UAE harnesses AI to Combat Climate Change - Beacon


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

UAE harnesses AI to Combat Climate Change

The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Climate Change

A crucial gathering in Abu Dhabi ahead of Cop29 in Azerbaijan will seek to focus minds on how artificial intelligence can help in the fight against climate change.

Dr Sultan Al Jaber, Cop28 President, said November's event in the UAE capital will tackle the contradiction between AI’s “thirst for electricity” and its “potential to reduce emissions”.

He highlighted areas of optimism for AI such as Adnoc’s deployment of “predictive maintenance and machine-learning tools” to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to a million tonnes in just one year.

He also pointed to how AI was transforming agriculture, another energy-intensive sector, by enhancing crop yields and minimising water use by as much as 40 per cent.

Dr Al Jaber also spoke of how technology companies were starting to collaborate with energy companies to address these new challenges such as the deal between Microsoft and Brookfield to develop 10.5 gigawatts of renewable capacity by 2030 and Masdar’s intent to quadruple its capacity to 100 gigawatts by 2030.

Cop28 ended on December 13 last year with a historic agreement known as the UAE Consensus in which close to 200 countries agreed to transition away from fossil fuels in global energy systems along with a huge expansion of clean energy.

A majlis was also held during the climate talks to galvanise countries to speed up progress. Days later the landmark deal was agreed.

The UAE and Azerbaijan, along with Cop30 host, Brazil, have also established a "troika" that seeks to maintain momentum between Cops.

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