UAE National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence - Beacon


Saturday, January 20, 2024

UAE National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

UAE adopts national approach to AI

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has made public its desire to incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) into key sectors of its economy, pushing for a nationwide initiative to educate residents.

In a report by The National News, UAE government officials are keen on equipping its workforce with advanced AI skills to enable them to compete amid huge technological upheavals. The country’s National AI Strategy 2031 blueprint unveiled plans for upskilling its citizens, seeking to deepen the existing talent pool for leading AI firms.

The blueprint revealed advanced plans by the government to set up specialized training research centers and international study tours for promising machine learning (ML) students. 

Alongside these plans, UAE’s government is keen on splurging funds to increase the number of STEM students in its universities, which it says has a direct link to increasing the depth of the nation’s AI talent pools.

In a targeted policy, the government hopes to convert one-third of all STEM graduates to explore careers in AI.

While plans for AI in the UAE are promising, previous attempts at educating the local population have yielded impressive results. Through the combination of free AI courses and a National Programme for Artificial Intelligence in partnership with the University of Oxford, nearly 52% of employees have begun upskilling for AI.

Already, over 20 universities have rolled out AI courses, including the Mohammed bin Zayed University, which offers scholarships for the most promising crop of students.

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