UAE universities focus on sustainability ahead of COP28 - Beacon


Sunday, October 22, 2023

UAE universities focus on sustainability ahead of COP28

UAE launches University Climate Network

The UAE government is supporting a raft of programs related to addressing climate change, with educational initiatives a core component. 

UAE higher education institutions have intensified their focus on climate change and sustainability, greening campus infrastructure, developing courses and engaging with the private sector.

A network of 31 UAE-based universities and higher education institutions that are working to drive engagement among youth and academia in the lead up to COP28.

The University Climate Network’s activities will begin with the “Ramadan Talks” series, which includes a number of seminars in which various educational institutions host prominent speakers in the field of climate and related topics, such as climate diplomacy, the hydrogen economy, modern urban life in Gulf countries, and the importance of Cop28.

Middlesex University Dubai is part of the network, and has held sustainability events this year, from a Love the Planet day, focusing on fashion sustainability and recycling, to an event on food security and waste in the lead up to the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The university has a three-pronged approach to climate change and environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives. The first prong involves research by staff and students into sustainability and trends.

A second pillar involves employment policies. At the university, women now account for more than half of management positions. And a third pillar involves engagement with industry, with the university working on ESG with the likes of aviation giant Airbus, which has links with the UAE armed forces, and logistics company DHL, which operates widely in the country – a key global trade hub.

To transition to a more sustainable economy, UAE universities have incorporated sustainability within course curricula. They have also been adopters of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were initiated in 2015.

Meanwhile, UAE universities have invested in greening campuses, from installing solar panels and energy efficient lightbulbs, to using technologies to reduce water usage, and raising environmental awareness among the student body.

In 2021, the UAE announced plans to invest US$163 billion to meet a country-wide net-zero emissions target by 2050.

Cop28 will be held from November 30 to December 12, at Expo City Dubai, and is expected to be attended by about 70,000 participants, including heads of state, government officials, leaders of global industrial sectors, representatives of the private sector and climate experts.

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