Dubai to celebrate Saudi National Day - Beacon


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Dubai to celebrate Saudi National Day

Saudi National Day Celebration in Dubai

In honour of Saudi National Day on 23 September, special celebrations will be taking place throughout Dubai. The city is ready to celebrate, and this year both residents and visitors can enjoy fantastic retail offers and promotions, along with great hotel deals.

With the close ties between the UAE and Saudi Arabia, and with so many Saudi nationals living in and visiting Dubai, the city will host an extensive programme of special celebrations for the Kingdom and its people.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have a lot in common. Both were born as nations in the 20th century — Saudi Arabia in 1932 and the UAE on December 2, 1972.

They share a common language, faith and culture and the trading links between the two go back centuries. Many UAE families have a Saudi branch, and the reverse is, of course, also true.

Both counties are rich in reserves of oil and gas that have made them some of the wealthiest countries in the world. They also understand that economic reforms and diversification are vital for a prosperous future.

This close relationship has been strengthening since the 1970s, when Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan became the first President of the UAE.

The creation of the Saudi-Emirati Co-ordination Council, heralding an era of even closer co-operation between the two countries in areas such as defence, politics and culture.

One of the first acts was an agreement to work together on all forms of crime, including drugs trafficking, and better sharing of information.

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