UAE up to world's expectations for Cop28 - Beacon


Tuesday, June 13, 2023

UAE up to world's expectations for Cop28

The switch from fossil fuels to renewable power sources

The UAE recognises the “high expectations” for Cop28 in Dubai and will host the climate talks with a “great sense of urgency”, the summit’s chief executive said on Monday.

Adnan Amin told diplomats that Cop28 should result in a “just and balanced energy transition” that spurs the switch from fossil fuels to renewables while keeping costs in check.

The incoming UAE presidency will work with polluters to cut back their emissions and keep alive the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, Mr Amin said.

Mr Amin said the UAE presidency was pushing for a tripling of global renewable energy and a doubling of hydrogen capacity by 2030 as part of the drive for clean fuels. It is also working with the oil and gas sectors and high-emitting industries to “drive deep decarbonisation”, he told delegates.

Hydrogen is tipped as a replacement for fossil fuels in sectors such as aviation and shipping. In talks with African negotiators, the UAE presidency has said the switch can only take place if investment “flows at scale” to make finance and technology available.

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