UAE emerges as a cybersecurity, secure communications hub - Beacon


Thursday, February 2, 2023

UAE emerges as a cybersecurity, secure communications hub

UAE bolsters cyber security

Many countries have witnessed the rapid digital transformation in services and daily transactions, which has increased the risks posed by cyber attacks against various sectors, including electricity, gas and water.

The United Arab Emirates is expanding and boosting its expertise in cybersecurity and secure communications, not only to fulfill the national demand, but also with hopes of becoming a regional hub for exporting such high-tech capabilities in the Gulf and Middle East.

In light of the rapidly evolving cyber threats, including hacktivists and organized cybercrime groups that challenge national security and compromise critical information assets, the UAE Cyber Security Council aims to create a safe and resilient cyber infrastructure in the country, enabling citizens to fulfill their goals and empowers businesses to thrive.

Established in November 2020, the Cyber Security Council is tasked with developing and overseeing a cyber security strategy for the UAE, and creating a safe and strong cyber infrastructure in the Emirates.

The Council has warned all public and private institutions, as well as individuals, of the risk of cyber attacks. It highlighted the need for all authorities and institutions to activate their cyber defense systems and raise the security awareness of individuals about cyber attacks, as well as cooperate with relevant authorities to share relevant information proactively.

It also noted that hacking tools have now become easier to use, enabling hackers to take advantage of the holiday season, especially with the increasing dependence on digital services.

The council warned of all types of cyber attacks against vital sectors, stressing the importance of adopting cybersecurity policies and protection mechanisms, as well as raising the awareness of public and private institutions and individuals, which will play a key role in protecting the community against malicious cyber attacks.

On 2021, a new law on cyber security has been passed to provide a comprehensive legal framework to address the concerns relating to the misuse and abuse of online technologies.

It aims to enhance the level of protection from online crimes committed through the use of information technology, networks and platforms. It further seeks to protect the UAE’s government websites and databases, combat the spread of rumors and fake news, safeguard against electronic fraud and maintain privacy and personal rights.

The UAE has launched its first national Cyber Pulse Innovation Centre in Abu Dhabi Polytechnic. The center aims to produce the next generation of cyber professionals while also protecting UAE citizens and businesses from global threats.

Cyber Pulse’ is an initiative that aims to encourage community members in the UAE to play a part in cybersecurity efforts. It seeks to enhance public awareness on suspicious online activities and the necessary steps to be taken from becoming a victim of ePhishing.

The initiative provides training courses, workshops and lectures about cybersecurity, and information on how community members could protect themselves in the digital world.

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