Climate Needs an Ally Like Sultan Al Jaber - Beacon


Saturday, February 25, 2023

Climate Needs an Ally Like Sultan Al Jaber

COP-28 head Sultan Al Jaber

The UAE announced that Sultan Al Jaber, the chairman of its national oil firm, would become president of the 2023 climate summit, known as COP28

"Al Jaber is precisely the type of ally the environmental movement needs, therefore environmentalists should stop complaining", Bloomberg said.

Dr. Al Jaber is Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, served as Special Envoy for Climate Change for two periods (2010–2016, 2020–present), and actively participated in over ten COPs, including the historic 2015 Paris COP21. He brings two decades of senior business and leadership expertise in government, climate policy, and the renewable and conventional energy industries to this position.

During his last visit to India, Al Jaber mentioned about the full support UAE urges to provide for India regarding any climatic challenge. He also outlined all the gravity of challenges in future, saying that UAE will help India on all platforms in meeting its clean energy goals. He mentioned the investment in sectors like technology, decarburization, nuclear and hydro power projects.

Al Jaber during his conference address in India saying that impact of fossil fuels during global transition to clean energy need to mitigate. He said that it is our common challenge and interest to have energy industry working alongside everyone.

Al Jaber added that oil and gas are still the crucial need of world which most of the people are trying to ignore. When talking about tackling with climate change, ending oil and gas production is not the solution. 

Instead of it developing clean and sufficient power is necessary for facing climate challenges. We need to make solutions commonly as pro-growth and pro-climate at the same time, he added.

Sultan Al Jaber is also the chairperson and founding CEO of Masdar, a plan to generate 100 gigawatts renewable power by end of this decade. Most climate leaders appreciated Al Jaber’s appointment as COP’s President, including special climate envoy of Joe Biden, John Kerry.

The COP summit is going to be held in November, putting up a challenging pressure on CEO of Masdar, to push development sector and banks to expand their ambitions in clean energy projects investments. 

This year’s COP which is set up in UAE is going to be a chance of good action rather than only speech. The Summit must be “a cop of action”, one that might moves the world to get job done.

UAE is working domestically and internationally on serious climate challenges and has shown its great leadership in climate innovation and investment. It is already done its working in one of the largest investment in renewable energy transition such as carbon capture and low-carbon hydrogen.

The goal of UAEs Zero-carbon emission by 2050 is also worth mentioning here that is creating the great ways for production and consumption of renewable energy.

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