UAE air defense downs Houthi missile, destroys launcher - Beacon


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

UAE air defense downs Houthi missile, destroys launcher

The UAE said it had intercepted and destroyed a ballistic missile launched by the Iran-backed Houthis before destroying the launching site in Yemen early Monday.

The UAE’s Ministry of Defense said the attack did not cause any losses, and the country’s civil aviation authority added that civil air operations are now back to normal.

“There were no casualties resulting from the attack and the fragments of the ballistic missile fell outside of populated areas,” the defense ministry said in a statement.

It added: “The UAE air defense forces and the Coalition Command had succeeded in destroying the missile launcher in Yemen after identifying locations of the sites.”

The ministry pledged its full readiness to deal with any threats and that it will take all necessary measures to protect the UAE from any attacks.

On January 17, the Houthis launched a deadly attack using cruise and ballistic missiles and drones to target Abu Dhabi. The strike led to a fire breaking out and the explosion of three petroleum tankers, killing three people and wounding six others.

That was followed by another attack against Abu Dhabi on January 24, but UAE authorities - with US forces - said they successfully intercepted the two Houthi ballistic missiles with no casualties.

The Houthis have threatened to keep targeting the UAE so long as it backs groups in Yemen fighting against the militia.

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