UAE's Golden Jubilee marks 50-year development journey - Beacon


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

UAE's Golden Jubilee marks 50-year development journey

The UAE’s golden jubilee year features a stunning illustration showing the growth of the country from the desert sands to the thriving city it is today. And looking forward to the future as the country continues to prosper.

The government has been doing its best and is getting ready for the next stage. It has started laying the foundations through transformation into smart government, space sciences, and the expansion of technical education in all fields.

Administrative institutions have been reshuffled including the Cabinet, in response to the expected changes in the structure of the global digital economy. A Ministry of Artificial Intelligence and another Ministry for Advanced Technology were established, and more universities and colleges were set up.

The draft of new laws and legislative amendments that came during the "Year of the 50th" are intended to keep pace with the developmental achievements of the UAE and reflect the country’s future aspirations. Over 40 laws are included in the changes, which together represent the largest legal reform in the young nation.

Also, the creation of an integrated infrastructure resulted in local and foreign investments, which in turn led to achieving rapid growth rates and a comprehensive economic expansion in a relatively short period.

As the UAE wraps up 50 years of achievements, interest was not limited to the interiors only. Instead, it paid great attention to the world outside. 

The UAE had its pioneering initiatives in the field of tolerance, coexistence and confronting hatred. It embodied unlimited giving by providing material and moral aid to those in need worldwide without distinctions of race, colour, sex, or religion.

This gives hope that more achievements are ahead and will be made possible for an ambitious country to occupy an advanced position. The UAE has a clear path for how the country will look like and where its international standing will be in 2071.

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