Turkey tightens the screws on opposition - Beacon


Sunday, December 19, 2021

Turkey tightens the screws on opposition

The opposition Peoples’ Democratic Party in Turkey said that the authorities had arrested 14 people affiliated with the Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Istanbul.

The arrest came within the scope of the investigation launched regarding the HDP’s Istanbul regional conference on December 12.

The Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation, against the background that the slogan praising the leader of the terrorist organization was chanted and organizational anthems were sung at the conference.

The arrests were carried out on Friday morning, as part of the investigation conducted by the Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office.

Last month, the Turkish authorities arrested 18 people, including executives from the Peoples’ Democratic Party, in 4 Turkish states on charges of belonging to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).

State media also confirmed the arrest of officials in the party’s subsidiary centers in the four states, and the confiscation of organizational books and magazines, regulatory documents and digital materials

For its part, the Kurdish-majority party stressed that the arrests are only part of a systematic policy pursued by the government of Turkey and its ally, the Nationalist Movement Party, to close the party permanently.

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