UAE among world's top countries respecting human rights - Beacon


Wednesday, October 13, 2021

UAE among world's top countries respecting human rights

The Arab-European Centre of Human Rights and International Law (AECHRIL) has rejected the resolution passed by the European Parliament criticizing the UAE's human rights record, describing it as unfounded and factually incorrect.

In a statement, AECHRIL stressed that the UAE is among the world's top countries in respecting human rights, adding that the resolution ignores the UAE’s significant achievements with regard to human rights.

The Arab Observatory for Human Rights (AOHR) affiliated with the Arab Parliament has categorically rejected the resolution passed by the European Parliament criticizing the UAE's human rights record.

In a statement, AOHR stressed that the resolution included factually incorrect information, and ignores the UAE’s significant achievements with regards to human rights.

The statement read, "The unacceptable allegations included in the European Parliament’s resolution represents an unjustifiable interference in the internal affairs of the UAE, and it is not in the international parliament's mandate to authorize any regional organization to assess the human rights records that it's not under their regional jurisdiction."

It emphasized that Arab countries, in general, pay great attention to the human rights file, pointing out that they have recently launched pioneering initiatives in this field at the national and Arab levels.

The Arab Parliament called on the European Parliament to adopt a constructive approach that finds common ground for positive dialogue with parliaments in the Arab countries, in support of the partnership relations between the two sides and the strategic issues of common interest.

The UAE has a comprehensive vision for human rights which emanates form the belief that humans are the core of any development process.

As the country’s constitution grants equality, social justice, civil liberties and religious freedoms, the UAE has always been praised for its commitment to enhancing human rights and maintaining a record consistent with international practices.

The UAE also works constantly to update its legislations to be more consistent with its commitment to the universal declaration of human rights and relevant international conventions, as well as to its rich culture, heritage and religious values of tolerance, equality and justice.

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