Mangoush: Turkish forces must leave Libya - Beacon


Monday, April 26, 2021

Mangoush: Turkish forces must leave Libya


Speaking for the Government of National Unity (GNU), Libya’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Najla Almangoush declared that Libya’s new Government is determined on the withdrawal of Turkish forces from the country.

Najla Mangoush landed herself in a political storm after she announced from Rome on Friday that Libya has begun a dialogue with Ankara, but insists on Turkey's withdrawal from Libya.

Discussing the withdrawal of foreign forces from Libya in a hearing of the Italian Chamber of Deputies’ foreign affairs committee, El-Mangoush said all foreign forces and mercenaries must be removed in order to implement the provisions of the Berlin Map and the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum agreement of Tunis and Geneva.

She added that the government has contacted several countries to negotiate the removal of foreign fighters, stressing at the same time that the national unity government is firm in this matter because Libya’s security depends on the removal of foreign forces and mercenaries.

She made her remarks shortly after Italian military officials confirmed that their forces will remain in the North African country as part of the bilateral cooperation with the new Government of National Unity (GNU), headed by Abdulhamid Dbeibeh.

For his part, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio affirmed his country’s full readiness to cooperate with the Government of National Unity to support the next stage of the institutional transition and Italy’s commitment to achieving stability in Libya.

This drew a harsh reaction from Khaled Mishri the head of Libya’s High State Council, as well as the Justice and Construction party, the political arm of Muslim Brotherhood in Libya.

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