Erdogan repeats Armenian genocide - Beacon


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Erdogan repeats Armenian genocide

Today U.S. President, Joe Biden formally recognized the massacre of Armenians by the Turkish Ottoman Empire during World War I as an act of genocide, as Armenians worldwide commemorate the 1915 Genocide of 1.5 million Armenians.

One of the first historic truths about Ottoman Turkey is the 1915 Genocide against 1.5 million Armenians. Commemorated worldwide on April 24, it remains the last century’s first, best documented, and least recognized crime against humanity which Turkey has yet to recognize.

During last September’s 44-day Turkey-led Azerbaijan’s genocidal war against the indigenous Armenian enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, the world was extremely infuriated that Turks and Azeris blamed the war on Armenia.

Azerbaijan and Turkey jointly attacked Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27 while people were sleeping. They murdered thousands of people, destroyed civilian settlements, hospitals, churches and cultural centers, among other non-military targets, and displaced tens of thousands of indigenous Armenians.

Erdogan’s greed has led him to adopt belligerent policies. His ambitions for the Caucasus’ oil are obviously the real reason for Turkey’s conspicuous alignment with Azerbaijan and its intervention in the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. 

Turkish President’s covetous ambitions are various. From seeking gas in the Mediterranean and the “Blue Nation” lie, to his aspirations for Libya's oil crescent, his intervention in the Armenian region of Azerbaijan, coveting Azerbaijan’s oil, and his adventures in Iraq and Syria.

Turkey’s intervention foiled all the attempts to compel a rapprochement between Armenia and Azerbaijan and settle the dispute over the area that either calls itself the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Yet, witnessing Turkey's brutalities in Nagorno-Karabakh felt like Erdogan is repeating the Genocide all over again.

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