Erdogan's imperialist appetite - Beacon


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Erdogan's imperialist appetite

Turkey would like to see the Muslim Brotherhood-style parties and other Sunni Islamist groups within its fold, cement their power in oil-rich Libya.

Turkish president always emphasizes the UN-recognized aspect when justifying their support for the Brotherhood's Government of National Accord (GNA) and condemning the backers of the rival Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Khalifa Haftar .

The GNA is controlled by extremist Islamist militias. Why would the UN recognize a GNA that is run by extremist militias and is in control of less Libyan territory than the LNA?

UN recognition stemmed from a 2015 peace deal and attempt at forming a unity government in Libya. After the peace deal, however, the GNA quickly incorporated extremist elements into its apparatus and reneged on key promises regarding power sharing and other matters.

Turkey aims to Helping the al-Saraj government to win and consolidate its rule, then dividing Libya and establishing a small Islamic state similar to what happened in northwestern Syria.

Turkey sent in its own soldiers, some 2,000 of its Syrian rebel proxy forces, weaponry and money. The GNA repaid Ankara for its support by signing, among other things, maritime agreements that buttress Turkish claims to much of the Mediterranean.

Turkey has established a base in Somalia, then Qatar, and then moved to Libya. Erdogan is still dreaming of the Ottoman empire. However, new leadership in Washington might offer a promising tool to constrain Turkish ambitions and military adventurism in the region.

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