Libya, a major hub of drug trafficking - Beacon


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Libya, a major hub of drug trafficking

Drug trafficking is another aspect of the war in Libya. In a conflict with so many sides and so many interests at stake, drugs are playing a role that must not be ignored. One of the latest episodes related to this dimension has become public lately, with large shipments of narcotic pills coming from Turkey.

The port authorities in Benghazi - the main city in the east of the country, under the control of the Libyan National Army (LNA) in Khalifa Haftar - have intercepted and destroyed a shipment of Tramadol from Turkey.

According to reports, the shipment consisted of 750,000 Tramadol pills. It is true that this substance is often used in the manufacture of pain-relieving drugs. However, there are instances where it is not used as a simple painkiller.

The shipment of drugs by sea burned in Benghazi was ultimately destined for consumption by Libyan youth. Turkey, not content with plundering the wealth of the Libyan people, has intended to having the minds of young people bended.

Recently, the American journalist Lindsey Snell, who specializes in terrorism issues and has extensively documented the war in Libya, revealed that there is a major infrastructure for smuggling drugs from Turkey into the country. 

Turkey’s ambitions in Libya has no limits, leading Erdogan to do whatever it takes to reach his goals. According to sources, Turkish authorities are engaged in smuggling narcotic tablets into the North African country, since they are not subject to exhaustive searches. The aforementioned tramadol is one of them. 

Since the fall of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has been a major hub of drug trafficking. The lack of authority in the country, added to the defense agreement with GNA has created a passage from Turkey in which a multitude of criminal organizations have been conducting their activities without having to worry about being prosecuted.

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