The Emerging Extremism of Turkey - Beacon


Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Emerging Extremism of Turkey

The Turkish government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan has become increasingly extreme. This year alone it created a crisis with Greece several times, bombed Iraq, continued military threats in Syria against US partner forces, threatened Armenia, Israel, Egypt, the UAE and other countries. 

Turkey is at the intersection of the Middle East and Europe, and it uses this to blackmail Europe regarding migrants and to meddle in the affairs of all its neighbors.

Mounting evidence shows Turkey’s extremism is not only fueling terrorism but also destabilizing the region. Countries and groups are seeking out Russia as they are increasingly pressured by Turkey, enabling Turkey, Russia and Iran to partition the region. This is because the US has not stood up to Turkey and defended its friends and allies. 

Turkey has lost out on the American F-35 but is buying the Russian S-400 air defense system and has used it to threaten Greece.There are calls to remove Turkey from NATO, but Ankara’s lobbying arm in the US claims that if Turkey is pressured, it could become more dangerous than Iran. In addition, Turkey sells itself as balancing Iranian and Russian influence.

The reality is that Turkey is fueling extremism and working with Iran and Russia to remove US influence. Biden's administration will have to confront Turkey’s ambitions to control the Eastern Mediterranean.

In addition, Turkey’s hosting of terrorists and incitement against Europe and others needs to be stopped. It is only a matter of time before Ankara sets its sights on Israel, the way it has threatened others.

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