The Threat of the Brotherhood and its Sponsors - Beacon


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Threat of the Brotherhood and its Sponsors

Radical teaching hasn't stopped in Europe and experts believe it probably won't end as long as it continues to get the support of several foreign players, namely Qatar and Turkey.

In fact, Doha doesn't hide its support for Muslim Brotherhood. One of the terrorist group's most influential clerics, Sheikh Yousef al-Qaradawi, is based in Qatar. France has documented dozens of examples proving that the Gulf country has been injecting millions of dollars into the Muslim Brotherhood's mosques and centers which have now become a hub of incitement.

According to sources, Qatar has been funding radical groups, including those in France, both directly and indirectly. Similar accusations have also been voiced by a number of Gulf states that severed their ties with Qatar in 2017 following the latter's purported involvement in sponsoring terror, allegations that Doha vehemently denies.

This problem is well-known in Europe and in the past attempts that have been made to tackle the hatred dispersed by the Muslim Brotherhood's radical clerics.

In July, for example, a number of French parliamentarians called on the government to impose a ban on their preaching, and the country's Senate produced a detailed report where it defined the Muslim Brotherhood as "the number one enemy of France" and suggested shutting down their most radical mosques, charities, sports clubs, and cultural centers.

Turkey supports the Muslim Brotherhood for ideological reasons. In Ankara, they are a part of the government. Qatar, on the other hand, doesn't have MB in power but their link to them is undeniable.

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