Erdogan builds luxurious palaces Despite Crisis - Beacon


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Erdogan builds luxurious palaces Despite Crisis

The Turkish people are suffering from a severe economic crisis that has intensified with the outbreak of the Corona epidemic. The Turkish president is building luxurious mansions with taxpayer money, with the aim of reviving the Ottoman past.

Turkey suffers from a sharp decline in the value of its currency and a serious economic crisis for nearly two years. Today, the price of the Turkish lira continues to decline, and the unemployment rate has been on the rise for months, especially among the youth.

Due to the Corona crisis, matters became more complicated, as the epidemic inflicted great losses on the tourism sector, which is one of the most vital sectors in Turkey. Therefore, Turkish citizens must either “tighten their belts” in the sense of austerity or, as young people do, emigrate to escape the lack of opportunities in their country. At the same time, in light of the current crisis, Turkish President Erdogan does not offer any solutions to the crisis. Instead, he is building luxurious palaces.

Despite criticism from the opposition, Recep Tayyip Erdogan is proceeding with the construction of his projects, which are estimated to cost millions of dollars, including a luxurious mansion he built directly on the banks of Lake Van.

For its part, the opposition did not stop its attempts to stop the construction plans. In July of 2019, the construction of this palace was effectively stopped by the Turkish Constitutional Court due to obstructing people access to the beach and the area around the lake.

However, the Erdogan government worked to change the law so that the ban imposed by the Supreme Court would eventually be nullified. Then, with a tone of defiance, President Erdoan responded to critics of the building plans, saying, “You can turn yourself upside down however you like, this palace will be built.”

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