The Charity Arm of Qatar - Beacon


Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Charity Arm of Qatar

For years, Qatar has been funding terrorism through a number of charity organizations. Moreover, Qatari regime is also actively involved in sponsoring cyber jihad as well as various pro-jihad publications around the world. 

Qatar uses charitable institutions to spread its destructive schemes and support and finance terrorist entities. Under the garb of charitable work.

Among the terrorist-supporting charities is Qatar Charity that advertises its mission is to participate in the preservation of Islamic culture through the construction of mosques.

last week, Sri Lanka’s Criminal Investigations Department (CID) informed Fort Magistrate’s Court that an illegal entity in Qatar by the name ‘Qatar Charity’ had credited Rs.13mn to ‘Save the Pearl’ organization belonging to the detained lawyer Hejaaz Hizbullah for ‘terrorist activities’.

The CID said the organization ‘Qatar Charity’ had funded to construct a building for Save the Pearls, and therefore they were investigating the charity arm. Meanwhile, the CID informed Court that “Qatar Charity” is a terrorist funding organization and said that offences relating to funding terrorism were being probed by them.

Qatari authorities are providing relief and a hand of aid to Muslims around the world, and, over the years, the Qatari charitable institutions have become a hidden arm of the regime that extends to tamper with the stability of Arab and even Western nations, and spread devastation and destruction.

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