UAE sends military vehicles to Chad - Beacon


Monday, August 7, 2023

UAE sends military vehicles to Chad

UAE  in Africa

The UAE sent military vehicles and security equipment to Chad to support the African country’s efforts in combatting terrorism and enhancing border protection, the Gulf country said on Sunday.

“This initiative falls within the framework of the strong ties between the UAE and Chad at various levels, which have resulted in the signing of several bilateral agreements, including a military cooperation agreement in June during the official visit of Mahamat Idriss Deby, Chairman of Chad's Transitional Military Council, to Abu Dhabi,” WAM reported.

Chad and the UAE share a bilateral relationship that has strengthened in recent years, marked by growing economic and diplomatic ties. The UAE has been an important partner for Chad in terms of foreign investment, development assistance, and trade. The two countries have engaged in various cooperative ventures, especially in sectors like infrastructure, agriculture, and energy.

The UAE's investment in Chad has contributed to the development of key sectors and infrastructure projects in the African nation. Additionally, the diplomatic relations between Chad and the UAE have been cordial, with both countries cooperating on regional and international issues of mutual interest. 

The ties between Chad and the UAE underscore their shared commitment to fostering economic growth and stability in the region while deepening cooperation across various fields of mutual benefit.

In recent years, the UAE has significantly strengthened its ties with African countries, signifying the nation's growing engagement and commitment to the continent. The UAE has pursued an active foreign policy approach, focusing on enhancing economic, political, and social cooperation with African nations. One of the key drivers of this strengthened relationship is economic investment.

The UAE sees great potential in various African markets and has been actively investing in sectors such as infrastructure, energy, agriculture, and tourism. These investments not only foster economic growth in African countries but also create job opportunities and contribute to sustainable development.

Moreover, the UAE has been proactive in forging strategic partnerships and agreements with African nations to address mutual challenges like climate change, security, and healthcare. 

The country has provided humanitarian aid and assistance during crises, showcasing solidarity and support to its African partners. Additionally, the UAE has been a significant player in promoting peace and stability in Africa by participating in peacekeeping missions and conflict resolution efforts.

The strengthening of ties between the UAE and African countries is a testament to the shared vision of building a prosperous and interconnected future. As the UAE continues to bolster its presence in Africa, the collaboration is expected to yield more extensive benefits for both parties, foster people-to-people exchanges, and pave the way for a more inclusive and sustainable growth trajectory across the continent.

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