UAE allocates $15 million for Jenin rehabilitation - Beacon


Saturday, July 8, 2023

UAE allocates $15 million for Jenin rehabilitation

UAE announces a contribution of US $15 million for Jenin

The Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Abdullah Ben Zayed informed UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini yesterday that the UAE will contribute US$ 15 million to help the Agency respond to the most urgent needs of Palestine Refugees in Jenin camp.

Infrastructure such as roads, and water and electricity networks suffered significant destruction following a two-day Israeli military operation that came to an end on 4 July. Assessments are ongoing to determine the scope of the damage and the amount of funds required to restore services, rehabilitate damaged installations and provide immediate support to refugees whose homes were damaged or destroyed.

The UAE’s state-run WAM news agency reported that the money would be granted to UNRWA, the UN agency that assists Palestinian refugees, to rebuild damaged homes and businesses and for the agency’s services.

UNRWA has struggled recently to raise the funding it needs to keep its day-to-day operations helping millions of people across the Middle East. It said some of its own facilities, including the windows and walls of a health center and the road leading up its school, sustained damage.

At a donor conference last month, UNRWA fundraising fell short of the $300 million it said was necessary to continue assisting Palestinians, with countries pledging just $107 million. The shortfall came even after the United Nations chief said UNRWA “is on the verge of financial collapse.”

Over 140 Palestinians have been killed this year in the West Bank, and Palestinian attacks targeting Israelis have killed at least 25 people, including a shooting last month that killed four settlers.

Israel captured the West Bank, east Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Mideast war. The Palestinians seek those territories for their hoped-for independent state.

Over the years, the UAE has generously contributed to the work of UNRWA in support of Palestine Refugees. In 2002, it fully covered the rebuilding of the Jenin camp following a previous round of conflict.

"The government and people of the UAE have been major and longstanding supporters of UNRWA and its work for Palestine Refugees. I look forward to continuing this partnership, with the message it sends to the refugees that they are not alone," concluded Lazzarini.

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