Bonn Climate Conference paves the way to COP28 - Beacon


Saturday, June 3, 2023

Bonn Climate Conference paves the way to COP28

Crucial climate talks in Germany

Climate negotiators will gather in Germany next week for key talks that aim to lay the groundwork for the crucial Cop28 summit in the UAE.

The Bonn Climate Change Conference that runs from June 5 to June 15 marks the halfway point between successive Cop summits and will focus on ramping up at what was achieved at Cop27 in Egypt last year and chart a course for agreement at Cop28.

Negotiators will tackle issues that are expected to dominate the talks in Dubai such as climate finance, adaptation and measures to cut greenhouse emissions, as well as work to further the loss and damage fund that was established at Cop27.

The stock-take will result in countries submitting revised pledges – known as national determined contributions – to try to keep alive the goal of limiting temperature increases to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.

Other issues expected to be discussed are measures to ensure a flow of climate finance to developing countries, increase the transparency of climate action and examine the impact of climate change on agriculture and the food security.

Cop28 will also complete the first global stock-take of pledges made by countries under the 2015 Paris Agreement and this is expected to feature prominently in Bonn.

Each stock-take is a two-year process that happens every five years. The first got under way at Cop26 in Glasgow and will conclude at Cop28.

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