UAE confirms water security will be core part of COP28 - Beacon


Thursday, May 18, 2023

UAE confirms water security will be core part of COP28

UAE and Netherlands to focus on water and food security projects ahead of Cop28

Water security will be among key green initiatives taken up by the UAE and the Netherlands ahead of the Cop 28 climate summit in Dubai later this year. Diplomats from both countries said the work will have a global impact.

Mr Steeghs, the Netherlands ambassador-designate, said he was excited to further develop ties with the UAE. “I think the UAE is doing great experiments in building green cities,” Mr Steeghs said.

The UAE has made strides in efforts to feed its population, with local horticulture companies growing a range of vegetables and fruits, from lettuce and tomatoes to blueberries and strawberries.

Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation, met Wopke Hoekstra, the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs in the UAE in January. The ministers pledged to combat climate change and enhance partnerships in fields including energy and food security.

During the 2023 United Nations Water Conference, the UAE Minister of Climate Change and the Environment, Mariam bint Mohammed Almheiri, highlighted the UAE’s inclusive and action-orientated approach to water sustainability and its impact on the nation’s security and economy-wide roadmap to achieve net-zero emissions.

Cop28 will take place from November 30 until December 12 and as the host, the UAE has outlined its ambitions to unite the world on climate action plans with bold and practical solutions to pressing global challenges.

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