Public transport in Dubai will be emission-free by 2050 - Beacon


Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Public transport in Dubai will be emission-free by 2050

Dubai sets zero-emission target for 2050

Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, Crown Prince of Dubai, has set out plans to make public transport in the emirate emission-free by 2050.

An ambitious roadmap for the future will focus on eliminating 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions, making savings equivalent to Dh3 billion. The eco-friendly initiative is in line with Dubai's push to become a global model for sustainability and green transformation.

Dubai's public transport transition to zero emissions is centered on removing about 8 million tones of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of planting 132 million trees. The green drive will involve the gradual increase of clean energy vehicles.

The emirate's Roads and Transport Authority will add electric and hydrogen vehicles to its fleet of buses, school transport, taxis and limousines. The wide-ranging strategy will expand the use of clean energy to include buildings, while recycling waste will be integral to the growth of the circular economy.

The campaign is in line with the UAE’s vision to tackle climate change while also boosting the economy and encouraging the development of new industries and creating more jobs.

President Sheikh Mohamed last week warned that climate change poses a threat to the world’s security and stability and called on nations gathering in Egypt for Cop27 to unite to deal with the challenges facing the planet.

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