Arab leaders meet in Egypt's mini summit - Beacon


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Arab leaders meet in Egypt's mini summit

Leaders of UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Iraq meet in mini Arab summit

The leaders of the UAE, Egypt, Bahrain, Jordan and Iraq met on Tuesday on Egypt’s Mediterranean coast for a mini Arab summit that has been hailed an opportunity to enhance inter-Arab partnerships.

UAE President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed arrived in the coastal city of New Alamein on Sunday, where he and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El Sisi were joined on Monday by Bahrain's King Hamad, Jordan's King Abdullah II and Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al Kadhimi.

The five leaders informally met on Monday, when they “exchanged views on ways to strengthen bilateral relations and co-operation” between their countries, the Egyptian presidency said.

The five leaders later on Monday night inaugurated a luxury seaside resort at New Alamein, one of about a dozen new cities built since Mr El Sisi took office in 2014. A massive display of fireworks marked the occasion.

They met again on Tuesday before the Iraqi prime minister cut short his stay and flew home to deal with the latest development in his country’s months-old political crisis, the Egyptian presidency reported.

The statement by the Egyptian presidency did not elaborate but state media and diplomatic sources familiar with the agenda of the talks said the leaders' discussions dealt with economic co-operation and national security as well as regional and international issues.

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