Al Ameri Completes 1st UAE Analog Mission - Beacon


Saturday, July 2, 2022

Al Ameri Completes 1st UAE Analog Mission

UAE’s first analogue astronaut Saleh Al Ameri

The Russian space agency will live stream the moment six human test subjects exit an isolation pod in Moscow that they have been living in for eight months as part of a space travel experiment.

One of the crew members includes Emirati mechanical engineer Saleh Al Ameri, 31, who left his life in Abu Dhabi behind to live almost completely cut off from the world to train for the UAE’s first analogue mission.

The tests being conducted in the pod study the psychological and physiological effects of isolation by simulating journeys into deep space.

On July 3, at 2pm UAE time, the hatch of the NEK experimental complex will be opened to let Mr Saleh and his colleagues — three Russians and two Americans — out into the world for the first time since November 4.

They will be welcomed by their respective space agencies, including officials from the Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre. After being closed off inside a small space for months, they will finally get to go home.

Each participant had their own room and access to a “living room”, where they could socialise. But most of their time was spent carrying out experiments, such as using virtual headsets to perform spacewalks, dock with a Moon-orbiting station and drive a rover on the lunar surface. The event will be streamed on Roscosmos' YouTube channel.

Nasa has previously explained how isolation can affect the mind and body, including the impact on astronauts who spend long periods of time in space. The US space agency carries out similar analogue missions as part of their Human Research Programme, which the UAE will participate in next year.

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