Dubai promotes sustainable future on Environment Day - Beacon


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Dubai promotes sustainable future on Environment Day

World Environment Day 2022

Dubai's Museum of the Future, which opened in February, will mark World Environment Day on Sunday by promoting eco-friendly behaviour.

Guests will be urged to make small changes to their everyday lives to safeguard the planet for generations to come.

The UN's World Environment Day is marked annually on June 5, to highlight the importance of protecting the environment.

As part of its program for the day, the Museum of the Future is raising awareness about the everyday things people can do to conserve natural resources, such as using less water and opting to travel on public transport instead of driving.

Visitors are able to charge their electric vehicles at the museum. Parking spaces are also limited to encourage people to use the Dubai Metro, which is linked directly to the museum through a bridge.

The building was designed with sustainability in mind, and obtains a large percentage of its energy from solar panels. A smart irrigation system waters the garden, which is home to more than 100 hardy species capable of coping with Dubai's harsh summer climate.

The museum also hosts talks by members of the scientific community, as part of efforts to highlight environmental issues and promote debate on how to create a more sustainable future.

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