Twitter in the MUSK era - Beacon


Monday, May 9, 2022

Twitter in the MUSK era

As with every forum, Twitter users proceed at their own risk. Those risks may well change in the Musk era.

Users’ comments suggest that in the marketplace of ideas, an unconstrained Twitter may prove to be such an utter hot mess that intelligent, decent folks of all stripes will avoid it by simply opting out.

Perhaps they’ll even launch a competitive forum. Twitter’s castoff rules of engagement will be free for the taking, and find a market for dialogue among those who listen respectfully and respond civilly.

Musk asserted that "Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated."

The fact that the Twitter “town square” will be owned by one person makes it absurd to think that it can function with any integrity, neutrality or beneficial purpose, other than to advertisers.

Twitter is currently in a state of intellectual disrepair. Its endeavor to civilize discourse on the platform has turned into a free-for-all of censorship, where guidelines for acceptable tweets have been twisted by moderators who suspend anyone offending their personal sense of propriety.

Among social media giants, Twitter hosts 229 million monthly active users (corrected by Twitter following the company's overstatement of 436 active monthly users), far fewer than Facebook's (FB) 2.9 billion, YouTube's (GOOG) 2.6 billion, and Instagram's (FB) 1.5 billion, and TikTok's 1 billion.

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