Millions of Turks are seeking jobs - Beacon


Thursday, April 14, 2022

Millions of Turks are seeking jobs

Job applications for vacant and limited jobs in one of the states brought the issue of unemployment in Turkey to the fore again after the hospital received 13,213 applications for employment, although the University Hospital in Nida had previously announced its desire to employ only 78 people. It suggests an increase in unemployment rates after thousands of people applied to fill these jobs, according to Turkish local media.

The Turkish opposition parties, including the Republican People’s Party, which is the main opposition party in the country, criticized the government against the backdrop of thousands rushing to jobs for which the number of people required to join was set in advance at less than 100 people, which reflects the unemployment levels that the opposition parties say that the Turkish Statistical Institute, a body The government hides the real rates of unemployment levels.

“The Statistical Institute continues to mislead people while the government denies unemployment,” said Arhan Adam, head of the Nida state branch of the Republican People’s Party, adding, according to local newspapers, that “13,213 people applied for 78 jobs.”

He asked, “Doesn’t this mean that the country is suffering from unemployment?”, adding that “the number of applicants to join these jobs reflects the actual levels of unemployment in Turkey.”

The head of the main opposition branch in Nida also called for holding early presidential and parliamentary elections, describing them as “a necessity” and “must take place immediately”, as a solution to the economic crises that his country has been suffering from for years, but the opposition cannot legally force the “Justice Party” and development” the ruling, led by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to hold early elections, which can only take place at the request of the president personally.

Commenting on this, Economist Tolgai Türkar said, “Unemployment does exist in Turkey, but its levels may decrease with the advent of summer, when people start working in agriculture, industry, tourism and other seasonal occupations.”

He added to “Al” that “the causes of unemployment in the country are multiple, but the most prominent of them are related to the depreciation of the Turkish lira against foreign currencies during the past year,” noting that “the number of the unemployed is about 4 million people.”

He added, “Unemployment rose as a result of many people losing their jobs as a result of the bankruptcy of the employers they were working for against the backdrop of the economic crisis that Turkey is witnessing at the present time, like other countries of the world.”

Although the Turkish Statistical Institute estimated the number of unemployed people in Turkey at about 3 million and 579 thousand people, as of last February, the opposition doubts the validity of these numbers and confirms that they are in fact much greater.

According to the Turkish Institute, the number of unemployed people decreased in February by 187 thousand people, compared to last January.

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