Is solar energy truly cost effective and clean? - Beacon


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Is solar energy truly cost effective and clean?

The idea of navigating a solar purchase might be overwhelming. It's not something you buy regularly as you might buy it only once in your lifetime. And, while it's becoming more common, it's not quite mainstream.

If you're thinking about sticking solar panels on your roof, you might be thinking of doing it soon. In many circumstances buying rooftop solar makes long-term financial sense.

After solar panels have been installed, operational costs are quite low compared to other forms of power generation. Fuel isn’t required, and this means that solar power can create large amounts of electricity without the uncertainty and expense of securing a fuel supply.

Advanced solar inverters can disconnect your home from the grid in case of a power outage. Solar arrays without storage and a capable inverter will shut down when the grid goes down, but with the right technology, you can keep the lights on.

As a renewable CO2-free power source, the environmental impact of solar power is significantly smaller than other power generation methods.

Over time the returns in upstream oil projects will inevitably decline as oil is forced to compete with an energy source that produces energy at a much lower cost and much cleaner environmentally and will be able to replace up to 40 per cent of global oil demand once it has the necessary scale.

The reason why solar energy pose such a threat to the energy system established over the past 100 years is simple: It has a short-run marginal cost of zero.

The oil industry today enjoys massive scale advantages over solar. But this advantage is now one only of incumbency and time limited with solar red light flashing on the oil industry’s dashboard.

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