Jordan's doors open to all refugees - Beacon


Monday, February 28, 2022

Jordan's doors open to all refugees

Jordan continues to be the second host country of refugees per capita in the world, according to UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

The Kingdom had received continuous waves of refugees and migrants despite its limited resources and the great challenges and pressure on its infrastructure.

According to reports, Jordan is the second largest host of refugees, providing services to its citizens, visitors and refugees who found the Kingdom as a proper place to live and work.

In his address to the "Migrations across Mediterranean shores" session, mayor of the Greater Amman Municipality Yousef Shawarbeh stressed the importance of boosting cooperation among cities of the region at a time of recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, noting the need to keep pace with the rapid growth, enhance the quality of life and mitigate the burden of refugees.

"We look forward to further partnering and supporting cities' capacities, and for the international community and donors to give attention to refugee hosting countries to keep working on their humanitarian cause", said the Mayor.

This positive attitude towards including refugees in Jordanian society has also extended to the health sector. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, refugees in Jordan have been included in the national response.

Today, more than 10 years into the Syria crisis, the vast majority of Jordanians, 94 percent, still say they are sympathetic towards refugees.

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