Al-Shabaab militants take control of Somalia - Beacon


Thursday, December 16, 2021

Al-Shabaab militants take control of Somalia

Somalia's capital Mogadishu has seen a deteriorating security situation since NOV 2021 and there have been killings and suicide bombings that killed dozens of people, mainly residents, raising serious questions about the lax security.

Despite ample warnings about Al-Shabaab attacks in Mogadishu during the election, Somali Police didn't bolster the security and made no effective plans to avert the insecurity incidents. The slow in police vigilance contributed to the killings and attacks that claimed the lives of many people.

On Nov 25, At least eight Somali people have been killed and nearly 20 others injured, including schoolchildren, in a car bombing targeting a UN convoy in Somalia's capital, officials said.

On Wednesday evening, Dec 15, two pistol-wielding men shot dead a businessman in Mogadishu's Wadajir nighbourhood. Hussein was killed as he left his house for a nearby mosque.

The gunmen escaped before security forces reached the crime scene, according to the eyewitnesses. The motive behind the murder remains murky as no group claimed responsibility.

Also, emerging reports from Galgadud region say that Al-Shabaab militants have taken control of El-dhere village in Galgadud region. Government officials have confirmed to the media that Al-Shabaab militants gained entry into the village by detonating explosives in a police station and a military base in El-Dhere.

The current incident in El-Dhere comes barely two days after the militant group also captured Mataban district in Hiran region on Monday, destroying a police station with explosives and hoisting their black flag but were later pushed back by government forces.

Al-Shabaab controlled most of Somalia, until 2011 when it was pushed out of Mogadishu by Somali troops backed by African Union soldiers, but still holds territory in the countryside.

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