UAE 2050 energy strategy receives highest global praise - Beacon


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

UAE 2050 energy strategy receives highest global praise

UAE attracted praise from all parts of the world, including world leaders as the first gulf state to commit to significantly reduce carbon emissions.

Taking part in the fight against climate change, the UAE has pledged to invest Dh600 billion in clean and renewable energy and will help build momentum globally with the Cop26 climate talks around the corner.

The announcement was made on October 7 and the project was officially launched at the UAE Pavilion at the Dubai Expo 2020 by Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson hoped that other countries would also follow suit and do the same for combating climate change. 

He said, “Fantastic news that the UAE has become the first Gulf country to commit to Net Zero emissions by 2050. This is a significant step in tackling climate change and I hope more countries commit to Net Zero ahead of @COP26.”

Special Envoy to the President of the USA John Kerry appreciated the initiative in a tweet and said, “Net Zero 2050 Strategic Initiative is an example for other energy-producing nations. We must take strong action in this critical decade.”

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, welcomed the announcement by the UAE and hoped that this initiative would also encourage other Gulf states. 

He said, "I welcome the announcement by the United Arab Emirates of its intention to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. I look forward to the UAE submitting a new #ClimateAction plan in line with this ambitious vision & encourage other Gulf states to follow this example ahead of #COP26."

Alok Sharma, president of the Cop26 summit, termed the announced historic and said, "I am delighted the UAE has announced it will reach net zero carbon by 2050. As the first net zero-carbon commitment in the Gulf, this is an historic announcement".

The initiative has put UAE in the forefront in the fight against climate change and with its commitment for net-zero emissions, the country will set a benchmark for others to follow. 

The UAE net zero by 2050 strategic initiative is in line with the Paris Agreement in 2015, which was signed by 195 countries while the Cop26 conference scheduled for next month is the second global-scale summit.

The initiative is part of a longstanding commitment by the UAE to environment-friendly governance and the country has been financing green energy projects for the past 15 years with an investment of $15 billion in the sector.

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