Calls for removal of NISA chief amid rising militant attacks - Beacon


Saturday, July 17, 2021

Calls for removal of NISA chief amid rising militant attacks

The leader of the Somali Wadajir party who is also a presidential candidate Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame has called for the removal of intelligence chief Fahad Yasin

Warsame said Yasin has committed numerous crimes in the country, including the deployment of thousands of younger Somali soldiers trained in Asmara to Tigray to fight along with Ethiopian and Eritrean forces against TPLF last year.

The opposition leader said the NISA boss is constantly threatening members of election commissions in an attempt to hijack the electoral process to help outgoing president Farmajo win the re-election for a new four-year term in office.

"The only way to control NISA is to change its leadership and appoint a new chief who stays in his job borders. It is a test of PM Rooble's political independence," said Warsame.

On the other hand, the first ten days of July witnessed a surge in attacks carried out by al-Qaeda branch in Somalia Harakat Shabaab al-Mujahideen on hard targets. They attempted assassinations and ambush raids on government officials.

According to the weekly Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Brief for East Africa, al-Shabaab notably carried out a suicide mission and IED raids both on security forces and on civilian targets.

At least 17 attacks were recorded, all from across the regions of Somalia. al-Shabaab has notably targeted AMISOM troops in Gedo, Lower Shabelle, Lower Juba, and Bay and Bakool regions in a number of these attacks. Most of the raids against the targets are notably ambushes and setting up of roadside IEDs.

Al Shabaab frequently targets AMISOM bases and convoys, as well as Somali officials, in its bid to topple the fragile government led by the outgoing President Mohamed Farmajo.

Al Shabaab has also carried out attacks against neighboring countries such as Kenya and Uganda to retaliate for troops being sent to Somalia as part of the AU peacekeeping force.

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