Muslim Brotherhood blamed for Sabha attack - Beacon


Monday, June 14, 2021

Muslim Brotherhood blamed for Sabha attack

In press releases, Major General Ahmed Al-Mismari, the official spokesman for Haftar’s forces ruled out ISIS claimed responsibility for the suicide attack on the Sabha security checkpoint.

"we are waiting for the results of the investigations in the Sebha military zone over the terror act", Al-Mismari said.

According to Al-Mismari, takfiri organizations and Muslim Brotherhood that suffered military reversals at the hands of their forces are seeking to retake control of Sabha and the surrounding territory.

Al-Mismari considered that they were attempting to obstruct the impending December elections. He cautioned youths not to be pulled into campaigns started by the brotherhood’s social media sites to obstruct the staging of general elections in the country.

Al-Mismari stated that Takfiri forces who have controlled the southern region since 2011 still receive logistic support from their loyalists in the south.

The suicide attack that targeted a security checkpoint in the southern Libyan city of Sabha a last week drew widespread local and international condemnation. Two security officers were killed and four others wounded in the attack.

While the installation of a unified administration and a push for national elections in December are seen as the best hope in years for a lasting political solution in Libya, the process is still fraught with challenges.

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