Saudi Arabia wants "deeds not words" from Iran - Beacon


Saturday, May 8, 2021

Saudi Arabia wants "deeds not words" from Iran

Ambassador Rayed Krimly, head of policy planning at Saudi foreign ministry said that talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran aim to reduce regional tensions, but added it was too early to judge the outcome and Riyadh wanted to see “verifiable deeds”.

"We hope talks prove successful, but it is too early, and premature, to reach any definitive conclusions. Our evaluation will be based on verifiable deeds, and not proclamations", Krimly said.

According to media reports, the discussions were focused on Yemen and the 2015 nuclear deal between global powers and Iran, which Riyadh had opposed.

The two sides are expected to hold further talks this month, according to multiple sources including a Western official familiar with the process.

Late last month, Iran welcomed a "change of tone" from Saudi Arabia which it said could clear the way to a new era of cooperation between the rival regional powers. 

The development came after Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman called for "a good and special relationship" with Tehran, following the reported talks with Iran.

Tensions between Riyadh and Tehran have festered over the Yemen war, where an Iran-aligned Houthi group has increased attacks on Saudi Arabia. 

On the other hand, global powers are trying at talks in Vienna to bring the United States and Iran back into full compliance with the nuclear deal.

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