Yemen supports Saudi, Morocco peace intiatives - Beacon


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Yemen supports Saudi, Morocco peace intiatives

The Yemeni Ambassador to Morocco, Ezuddin Al-Asbahi, has reiterated his country's welcome to the recent initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to achieve peace and stability in Yemen and the region, adding that his country welcomes all other initiatives in this regard as well.

In a press conference, held in Rabat, the Yemeni Ambassador warned of Iran-backed Houthi militia's plots of using Yemen's strategic location to perpetuate the state of chaos and threaten regional and international security, according to the official Yemeni News Agency (Saba).

Ambassador Al-Asbahi accused Iran of seeking to export violence and hatred and divide the society through its arms to destabilize the security and stability of countries.

Azzedine Saeed Al-Asbahi also stressed that: “ the legitimate government of Yemen is determined to achieve stability and peace at all costs “, Adding:” We support every step that calls for peace based on respect for international resolutions, United Nations resolutions, the Gulf initiative and the results of the dialogue in Yemen ”.

For the Ambassador, building trust among Yemenis requires sincere management. It goes: ” by a ceasefire, by ceasing attacks against civilians, by opening crossings, by lifting the internal siege of the country by the Houthis and by the release of all detainees “. 

The ambassador did not refrain from sharply criticizing Iranian interference in the matter, declaring "we cannot allow Yemen to turn into a back garden for Iran that wants to destabilize the region for spreading its ideology".

He denounced the crimes of the Houthis against children which exceeded 65,000 violations in 7 Yemen governorates, stressing that Yemen has become a huge minefield with tens of thousands of victims, following the laying of millions of mines, and accusing the Houthis of committing crimes against humanity.

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