MEPs call for sanctioning Erdogan's tyranny - Beacon


Sunday, April 4, 2021

MEPs call for sanctioning Erdogan's tyranny

Members of the European Parliament have signed a letter to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell calling for “tough sanctions on Turkey” over human rights violations.

“We choose not to be silent against the crimes committed by Erdogn. We must not follow the failed appeasement policy of the late 1930s towards Nazi Germany, which humanity paid with such a heavy cost” said the letter .

The letter stated the Turkish president had cracked down on many opponents on the pretext of declaring a state of emergency, during which he arrested more than 90,000 citizens, in the last five years, on charges of terrorism.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently withdrew the country from the Istanbul Convention, a Council of Europe charter requiring signatories to tackle violence against women.

Turkish state prosecutors have also begun legal proceedings to close the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), the second-largest opposition grouping the country’s parliament.

A report into EU-Turkey relations prepared by Borrell ahead of the European Council meeting in March is expected to highlight a number of other issues including human rights concerns.

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