Libyan figures sabotage roadmap to stability - Beacon


Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Libyan figures sabotage roadmap to stability


A UN-supervised process aims to unite Libya. However, some fear that losers in the process will violently reject it, that the transitional leaders will refuse to cede control once installed and seek to sabotage the process to defend their own interests.

Amongst these figures are Libyan parliament speaker Ageela Saleh, GNA Minister of Interior Fathi Bashagha and a number of MP’s. After their shock defeat in Genvea, Bashagha and Ageela attempted to block any progress leading to the Parliaments vote of confidence.

Bashagha fabricated an assassination attempt and tried to ignite a war between the Tripoli and Misrata militias whilst Ageela Saleh tried to postpone and sabotage the decisive parliamentary session.

Libya's prime minister-designate Abdul Hamid Dbeibah urged lawmakers on Monday to vote for his new unity government for the divided country, a crucial step towards December elections and stability after a decade of violence.

Dbeibah was selected in February at UN-sponsored talks attended by a cross section of Libyans to steer the country toward the scheduled December 24 polls.

If deputies fail to endorse the government on Monday, a new vote must take place, and Dbeibah has until March 19 to win approval for his Cabinet.

Libyan political analyst Mahmud Khalfallah said Dbeibah’s “political rivals have launched ferocious campaigns to defame him”, resulting in “a climate of tension”.

Dbeibah has defended the integrity of the process leading to his election and has also pledged to form a “balanced” government “representative of all the Libyan people” and its regions.

The report prepared by UN experts is to be submitted formally to the UN Security Council in mid-March, while Bashagha and Ageela asked for the vote of confidence to be delayed until then.

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