Erdogan's secret plan to invade Greece - Beacon


Sunday, March 21, 2021

Erdogan's secret plan to invade Greece

Turkish military would invade Greek islands with special forces from air and sea in a time of crisis between the two NATO allies, Nordic Monitor revealed.

If a conflict broke out with Greece with tensions soaring over disputing claims in the Aegean, Turkey’s military had prepared a list of 131 islands, islets and rock formations to seize them.

According to the report, the plan was part of a study that focused on coordination among branches of the Turkish armed forces, the defense alliance giving Erdogan carte blanche to keep violating Greek airspace and waters.

A PowerPoint presentation with 16 slides, which included a map with the locations marked, according to Nordic Monitor “appears to have been prepared by the War Academies and lacks a date stamp.”

The tension between Turkey and Greece has been on the rise in recent years with more hawkish posturing by the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his nationalist/neonationalist allies, often driven by a domestic agenda to get more votes or deflect the public’s attention from economic problems.

Turkey is the only country that refers to and demands the demilitarization of the eastern Aegean islands and questions Greek sovereignty over them.

The Erdogan government’s belligerent talk and mobilization of military assets in the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean have fueled concerns about a possible military conflict that may be set off either accidentally or intentionally.

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