Turkey's Erdogan intimidates public freedoms - Beacon


Thursday, February 4, 2021

Turkey's Erdogan intimidates public freedoms

A new report by the French press organization "Reporters Without Borders" showed that 90% of the Turkish media are either under the control of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government or businessmen close to him, which angered civil organizations defending public freedoms in the country.

The French organization revealed at the beginning of this week that during the past 2020, Turkish courts issued rulings to delete 1,358 news published in the local media, in which Erdogan was mentioned, in addition to businessmen and prominent members of his “Justice and Development” ruling party. 

Journalists are also subjected to physical assaults, in addition to being arrested as a result of their coverage of events. So far, the number of journalists and media workers who are behind bars has reached 67, yet other colleagues strive to preserve their profession and credibility despite all government pressure.

Journalists are also subjected to physical assaults, in addition to being arrested as a result of their coverage of events. So far, the number of journalists and media workers who are behind bars has reached 67, yet other colleagues strive to preserve their profession and credibility despite all government pressure.

Since the failed coup attempt, the authorities have arrested and conducted investigations with hundreds of journalists, and as a result dozens of them fled the country. 

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