ISIS, Erdogan's proxies - Beacon


Sunday, December 20, 2020

ISIS, Erdogan's proxies

Nordic Monitor published a report revealing how Turkish intelligence agency MIT provided the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) with a secret manual for the law enforcement agency in charge of border provinces and rural areas in order to help the terrorists evade detection.

The 832-page manual, which covers ‘domestic security” and “map reading” and was used in classes of gendarmes in military schools, was found on a computer hard drive seized from the home of ISIS terrorists. The ISIS members were part of the main Turkish cell led by İlhami Balı, the mastermind behind multiple bombing attacks in Turkey and a Turkish intelligence agency asset.

The documents were believed to have been handed over by MIT, which contracted multiple attacks with ISIS assets in Turkey in order to promote the political agenda of the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. 

His ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost its majority in parliament in the June 2015 elections for the first time in its 13 years of rule but regained it in snap elections in November 2015 amid major terror attacks that were blamed on ISIS.

MIT’s secret and illegal operation was exposed on October 30, 2015, when the police wanted to stop a car with license plate number 21 FN 027 during a routine traffic stop in the Gazi Muhtar Paşa neighborhood of Turkey’s southeastern province of Gaziantep, located on the Syrian border. 

The driver tried to run the checkpoint but was cut off by police units. Abdulkadir Demirel, a 26-year-old ISIS terrorist in the car, threw a hand grenade at the police, but it failed to explode. The police detained Demirel and his associate, 32-year-old Yusuf Cabael.

The police found two grenades, one handgun and a suicide bomb vest packing seven kilograms of TNT in the car. In the first police questioning at the scene, Demirel admitted he was ordered by Balı to carry out a suicide attack on the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) office in Istanbul by October 31, 2015. 

He said Cabael helped him cross into Turkey from Syria and that they were in route to Istanbul. The statement confirms that the ISIS attack was timed to Turkey’s election agenda and that the ISIS mastermind wanted the attack to take place before the November elections.

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